french for homework?

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The French President Francois Hollande says it is 1. that some children get help from their parents at home while children who come from families at a 2. do not.


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For France, it's something of a 3. idea that would overturn more than a century of school tradition. The thinking is that the days are too full for young children under the current system and that Wednesday free time could be put to more 4. use.

His education minister, Vincent Peillon, will decide this month how to carry out the reform. A panel of experts will present their 5. on Friday, and the president is expected to address the issue on Tuesday.

Under the education 6., school would end at lunchtime on Wednesday.
'It's completely 7.,' complained Valerie Marty, president of the national parents' organisation, 'They have to figure out who will take care of the children after school, who will finance it.'

The Education Ministry has proposed more organised extracurricular activities like sports, theatre and art to replace the relatively free-form time children now have after school. But that means trained staff and, of course, more money from local budgets already strained in difficult 8. times.

Peter Gumbel, a British journalist who has lived in France since 2002 and written a book about the country's education system, said the 9. of the school day is only part of the problem.

'You have to tackle head-on the fundamental questions of the classroom,' he said, citing 'the enormous amount of hours, the enormous amount of unbroken attention required, and the sheer boredom and 10..'










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