slumming it

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Before his appearance on the show, Sushil Kumar, a psychology graduate, was earning 1. more than $100 (£62) a month. 2. answering 13 questions correctly, he pocketed more than he would have earned in 800 years.
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The story made headlines around the world, 3. it was almost identical to the plot of the film Slumdog Millionaire, 4. a man from a humble background hits the jackpot on the quiz show. In the film you don't find 5.  how it changed the hero's life - but you get the sense there is going to be a transformation.

The family home is very basic. 6.  of the four main rooms has a double bed, in the corner of one is a small television. It's here he lives with his wife, his mother and father, four brothers, two sisters-in-law and one child - 11 in all.

Sitting cross-legged on his bed, Sushil shows me another one of his purchases, his first ever computer, a small tablet. Last week he bought a scooter, the only vehicle he owns, 7. though he has enough money for several high-end sports cars.

Even the clothes he wears the day we meet are not new, and were part of his wardrobe before the show. So 8., he's spent $200,000 (£124,000) of his winnings. Sushil says the money has changed him in simple and small ways. He's paid 9. a brother's debts, bought some jewellery for his wife and put the rest in the bank.

India is a nation known for its savings culture, and it seems Sushil is living 10. to the stereotype. He's has taken some financial advice 11.  how to invest the money but has also had plenty of offers from people wanting to spend it for him.
"Since I won, a lot of people started writing letters to me asking for money, to buy land, to solve their problems, to pay for operations, their house, their children's wedding."

As Sushil's win was watched by 27 million Indians, he definitely has celebrity status. "Now I go to any part of the country and people recognise me and… want to get pictures 12. with me and get my autograph. It's a very good feeling," he says.

By Rajini Vaidyanathan bbc