just the tablet

(use of english: pt 2 open cloze) write your answers in the boxes
In many current e-learning systems, students can submit a digital copy of their homework online. 1. it is not easy for teachers to mark and write feedback on it. Because they are required to either print 2. the assignment and mark the paper copy, 3. just give simple, overall text-based feedback in the "comments" field of the homework. read on

The iClass Assessment is a pen-based assessment marking solution 4. developed by the University of Hong Kong's e-Learning Technology Development Laboratory. Students submit 5. homework through the web to a cloud server. Then teachers mark the homework with an e-pen directly on a tablet PC, circle mistakes and highlight the good points, as conveniently as 6. they were marking a hard copy.

An electronic sticker album is also available. Teachers can also pick some e-stickers, 7. as standard answers, comments and "well done" stamps. It can simplify writing feedback and encourage teachers to give in-depth comments to students. Using a simple click, this can be easily given 8. to the student after the assessment has 9. completed.

Pen-based markings can provide a more convenient and in-depth analysis of the student's strengths and weaknesses. In this manner the quality of assessment for learning can be greatly improved. 10. addition, a teacher's heavy workload, 11. has become a big problem in recent years, will soon be a thing of the past.

Marking hard copy affects not only affects teaching quality but also the quality of life of the teachers. Taking home thick piles of work 12. marking will no longer have to be a teacher's nightmare.

by Wilton Fok The Standard