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(use of english: pt 1 multiple-choice) write your answers in the boxes

photo: CREDITThere are lots of myths about English language exams.
You may hear people talk about trick questions which are planted in papers to catch you 1., how exercises are constantly recycled, how exams are 2. up in a matter of 3.. read on

4., the development of exams at Cambridge ESOL is a 5. job. It involves teams of researchers and an international network of thousands of writers and examiners. They make sure each exam is fair and a reliable 6. to what 7. candidates have reached in the skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening, and in their use of English.

Every test is different and is designed to examine very specific skills. That’s why test takers can 8. from knowing more about the particular exam they will be sitting and what examiners are really 9..

Gaining a First Certificate in English (FCE) means you are likely to have
10. enough skills to use English as part of your job. So it will be ideal for working in the tourism industry or for clerical, secretarial and managerial jobs in organisations 10. there is contact with English speakers. The FCE is also a qualification that can help you study abroad for vocational training courses.

Examiners expect someone sitting the FCE to be able to 12. with routine letters and telephone enquiries, and be able to read simple textbooks and articles.