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what do you like about where you live?

(speaking: pt 1)
four teachers were asked: what do you like about where you live?

audioscript and variations on the same question

Well I like it because it's quite quiet, I prefer small towns than big cities in general, and particularly because I've got kids
so a small town is better for kids; lots of places to walk or they've got the beach to play on or run around on.

I like it because it's near the ocean, they have a wonderful Paseo Maritimo,
and great places to go and have pinchos in the Casco Viejo.
It's a quiet town except during times of the fiestas that they have near the port.
The sense of community the people have a lot of pride in the community,
lots of cultural activities and things that people can get involved in.

I used to live in San Ignacio so it's a lot more colourful,
and of course like going for pinxos on Sunday morning, it's great
and just that the buildings and the streets, it's lovely walking home from the metro through the Casco Viejo.

It's 15, 20 minutes from Bilbao, there're three metros so it's very easy to get from Algorta to Bilbao and they come every 5 minutes, that's brilliant.
also it's right on the coast, my house is 3 minutes from the beach.
it's relaxed, quiet, no's like a little village really

Note: Ann lives in Plentzia, Kyle in Castro, Gary lived in Algorta (now Kiev) Stanners lived in Casco Viejo (now Prague)
Many thanks to all!

What's it like?

What is there to do? What amenities are there?

Where is it? How far to/from ..? Is it easy to get to and from where you work or study?

Do you live in the centre, on the outskirts?

Do you live near eg. the beach, the shops, the countryside, your friends?

What's it like where you live eg. quite quiet, noisy, relaxed, hectic?

How about the neighbours?

Are there any general or particular reasons you like where you live?

Are there any places to go eg. for walks, to take the children, to relax, hang out with friends?

Are there some good places for pinxos, cafes, restaurants?

Do people feel like they belong to your neigbourhood?

Is it lovely walking around?

What's the nightlife like?

pisa topping

(use of english: pt 3 word formation)
Singapore has been ranked as having the highest-achieving schools. The (0) globe rankings, are based on the Pisa tests taken by 15-year-olds in more than 70 countries. Singapore has replaced Shanghai - there had been debate over whether Shanghai was (1) represent of school standards across China.
transform the blue words into the appropriate form write your answers in the boxes
0. 1.
read on
OECD education (2) direct Andreas Schleicher chief said that Asian countries such as Singapore managed to achieve excellence without wide differences between children from wealthy and disadvantaged families. But the UK has failed to make any (3) substance improvement - despite education ministers in England making the Pisa rankings an important measurement of progress.
Mr Schleicher highlighted concerns about the impact of a (4) short in teachers - saying that an education system could never exceed the quality of its teachers. So why is Singapore so (5) success at education? Singapore only became an independent country in 1965. From being among the world's poorest, with a mix of ethnicities, religions and languages, it has overtaken the (6)wealth countries in Europe, North America and Asia to become the number one in education.
All teachers are trained at the National Institute of Education, and Prof Sing Kong Lee, vice-president of Nanyang Technology University, said this  single route (7) sure quality control and that all new teachers could "confidence go through to the classroom".
This had to be a (8) consist, long-term approach, sustained over decades, said Prof Lee.
Education was an "eco-system", he said, and "you can't change one part in isolation".
bbc12/12/16 By Sean Coughlan

taking the nick?

(reading and use of english pt 2) write your answers in the boxes

A 20-year-old Spanish law student who apparently passed himself 0. as a spy and gatecrashed the King's coronation is waiting to find 1. if he will be prosecuted. Francisco Nicolas Gomez Iglesias, dubbed "Little Nicolas", 2. thought to have fooled dozens of Spain's elite by impersonating various government officials, such as a secret service agent and an adviser to the deputy prime minister. read on

Mr Gomez was arrested in October 3. suspicion of fraud, forgery and impersonating government officials but was bailed while police investigated the case. According to Spanish publication El Confidencial, Mr Gomez has been studying at one of Madrid's top universities but was also lunching with business executives and politicians, even joining 4. in the VIP box at Real Madrid's stadium.

Mercedes Perez, the judge overseeing the investigation, wrote in a report that she could not understand 5. "a young man of 20, using only his own word, could have access to government conferences, places and events 6. his behaviour causing any alarm". Her report was also quoted as saying he received thousands of pounds from a businessman in return 7. arranging a property deal while claiming to be a government adviser.

Mr Gomez has claimed he received text messages from King Juan Carlos, telling Spanish channel Telecinco: "The day of his abdication, I sent him a message and he replied '8. a million, JC'."

A Facebook page dedicated to him has more than 37,000 fans.

Dec 1, 2014 sky news